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Feb 26

10 Easy Ways to Keep Your House in Shape

By Maid in Hoboken

Maintaining a clean and orderly home can be as easy as 1, 2, 3! Doing so doesn’t require you to cancel all your appointments to free up your schedule for housework. Besides,  you really don’t need to spend all your energy doing housework. What you need are 10 easy ways to keep your house in shape! Learn the best way to get organized at home. Let’s get started! 10 Daily Tips to Get Your Home Clean and Organized Make the bed. Did you know that the benefits of... read more


A brand new upholstered couch looks fabulous until the stains and dirt start to set in. You may not notice it at first, but eventually, you will walk into the room and realize that your new, clean couch is now dirty, dusty and, worst of all, smelly! Cleaning upholstery can be somewhat tricky; you run the risk of damaging the fibers or material if you aren’t careful, while the result may not always be satisfactory. The key here is to go about cleaning your upholstered couch with a... read more


We often look at cleaning as a dreadful, time-consuming affair; however, some people make things worse for themselves by going about cleaning the wrong way. Not only does this yield below average cleaning results, but it also means that all your time and effort has gone in vain! Perhaps you haven’t done your research, or maybe you’ve just been settling for poor end results; whatever the case may be, we’re here to share some common cleaning mistakes that could be wasting your precious time! Read some important facts... read more

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